iVid Channel for CLTE Videos
This channel conains a collection of CLTE Training/Webinar videos led, faciliated and hosted by CLTE teams (Ed Development, Ed Tech, AQuiLA etc).
This channel conains a collection of CLTE Training/Webinar videos led, faciliated and hosted by CLTE teams (Ed Development, Ed Tech, AQuiLA etc).
This channel conains a collection of CLTE Training/Webinar videos led, faciliated and hosted by CLTE teams (Ed Development, Ed Tech, AQuiLA etc).
From clte_training@np.edu.sg CLTE Training Admin December 2nd, 2024
Panel Discussion by NP Staff on the use of Generative AI for Learning . NP staff have also been experimenting with Generative AI for learning and have incorporated them… -
From clte_training@np.edu.sg CLTE Training Admin December 2nd, 2024
This session by Prof Kan Min-Yen, Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies at School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He is a member of ACM and IEEE and is… -
From Gaik Bee Lim January 17th, 2024
Adventures in flipped Learning: Evidence-based stories from NP Lecturers0:00 - 5:59: Introduction6:00 - 11:06: The reflective practitioner by Tan Yew Kong15:33 - 30:08:… -
From Sook Min Pamela Loy-Siow May 27th, 2022
In this Webinar, Dr Lyndon Lim from SUSS explored quiz scores and showed how they could be used to improve classroom time management and shape students' learning… -
From MORRISSETTE MELANIE NP December 9th, 2021
By leveraging the best attributes of machines and educators, the vision for AI in higher education is one where both work together to achieve the best outcomes for… -
From MORRISSETTE MELANIE NP December 8th, 2021
Grading and providing formative feedback are important but time-consuming, particularly for large cohorts of students. In addition, the rapid transition to online… -
From MORRISSETTE MELANIE NP December 8th, 2021
By leveraging the best attributes of machines and educators, the vision for AI in higher education is one where both work together to achieve the best outcomes for… -
From MORRISSETTE MELANIE NP December 8th, 2021
Dr. Koh will be sharing her work on the affective tutor system which she co-developed to help students learn programming. While students work through the programming…
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